More often than not, when a kidney disease gets out of control and dialysis is not as effective as it should be, nephrologists will often recommend having a kidney transplant done in the hopes of getting a permanent solution to the kidney disease. Of course a kidney transplant will only be done after a thorough test, research and analysis on compatible organs and ensuring that both the kidney donor and the kidney patient are in good health to facilitate the transplant.
Having a kidney transplant is one thing and recovering from the kidney transplant surgery is a different thing altogether. As any expert in the medical field will tell you, following your doctor’s instructions is always one of the easiest ways of a guaranteed speedy recovery from any form surgery, a kidney transplant surgery inclusive. Even so, there are additional tips specific to kidney patients that can help enhance your chances of recovery and ensure you are back on the recovery path fully.
First and foremost, you will have to avoid doing any heavy lifting and even avoid laborious physical activity in the first few months following the surgery. Doing too much too soon can be bad for your health. Most people will often feel as if they are strong enough to resume normal duties several weeks after the surgery. Doctors will often recommend limiting the amount of weight one lifts for a period of up to 6 months after an operation. This way, the body will have enough room to heal and rejuvenate.
Closely related to the above point, most doctors would advise against driving in the first few months following an operation. It is no wonder it is always advisable to have a close friend or relative around to drive you in case you must move around. Otherwise, taking a complete bed rest especially during the first 6 weeks following surgery will determine how successful the whole operation would be.
According to Dr. Paul Frymoyer, one of the top rated nephrologists in the US today, adding exercise gradually to one’s kidney transplant recovery schedule will also help one regain the strength that they need to forge forward. Often, the doctor will customize a workout plan that starts with mild exercises like walking immediately the incisions get healed.
Dr. Paul Frymoyer has had over 4 decades of experience with all sorts of Kidney patients and believes that eating a healthy well balanced diet and taking enough rest are also important tips that will accelerate the recovery process. He is a top rated and board-certified nephrologist who has been recognized and awarded many certificates of merits, including one in 1999 where he was recognized as one of the “best Doctors in America”.