Having access to 24×7 emergency dental service providers is essential for addressing severe pain and discomfort arising out of unexpected dental issues. Dental emergencies are promptly and efficiently treated by an emergency dentist Burlingame. Here are the top emergencies handled by these service providers:
Pain Relief
Most people reach out to a dentist complaining of a toothache. This pain must be treated before going into further treatment and care. Emergency dentists provide pain relief treatment which can ease the discomfort quickly. They use local anesthesia, nerve sensitivity blockers, and pain medications.
Emergency dental prosthetics provide both temporary and permanent restoration of crowns and filings of the tooth and help to protect the damaged teeth. One can take first-aid by treating the broken area to be filled with temporary teeth cement but in the long run, a dentist must be contacted. Permanent solutions are required once the immediate crisis is resolved.
Emergency dental providers of Burlingame can provide temporary replacement of the chipped and broken tooth using certain procedures such as dental bonding, veneers, and crowns or by restoring the broken tooth’s function and appearance by implantations. They provide temporary replacements and offer permanent solutions to provide treatment and protection against broken teeth.
Treatment for Infection
Dental infections or abscesses can be treated by a dental expert as they have the knowledge to prescribe antibiotics for treating the infections. Dental abscess occurs between the area underneath teeth and between gums. They can cause severe pain in the affected area, swelling, and fever. They treat the root cause of the infection.
They drain the infected area to get rid of any fluid or debris entrapped inside the teeth and the patients are asked to take the medications prescribed. After the pain and swelling subsides, dentists will continue with further investigation of the infected teeth. They will help to prevent the infection from spreading across the gums.
Emergency dentists can remove and reimplant any teeth that are knocked out of the jawline, completely or partially due to accidents and injury. The broken piece should be preserved till the entire procedure is completed. If the broken pieces are not found or preserved, dentists have to make a replica of the same and insert it in the right place.
A biocompatible material is chosen to reconstruct the broken teeth. Scans are done and designing is done through CAD and CAM software to make the replica of the piece. After the reconstruction, an emergency dental provider reinserts and stabilizes the artificially made tooth, and is treated for a certain time.
Availing 24×7 Services in Burlingame
Many emergencies dental services providers have their contact details listed on their websites and official pages. Patients can call them for immediate assistance and these hotlines are typically available 24×7 to connect the patients with on-call emergency dentists available and provide critical care services.
Some dental service providers get their appointments through online channels. Emergency appointments can also be booked where the medical practitioner reaches the required place with a team of dentists to treat the patient with first aid and thereby assist them to the nearest dental clinic for further medical treatment.
Access to 24×7 dental services is of utmost importance as it helps the residents of Burlingame to receive immediate attention in case of emergency dental accidents and injuries. From severe toothache to knocked-out teeth, every other individual having dental issues reaches out to this critical care unit. By understanding their importance and ways to contact them, people can stay at ease knowing that help is around the corner whenever a dental emergency strikes.